🕵️‍♂️ What's in the box?

Plus Raw content and good repurposing

Hey thieves!

I spent the weekend in Barcelona meeting a bunch of internet friends I had only chatted with online.

It's not my first time meeting internet people in real life, but it's always a great feeling. The plan is to have more of these in 2024!

In other news, a new episode of Creator Heist just dropped with Jeff Felten. If you are interested in email marketing, you won’t want to miss it.

Let’s get to this week’s content! But first, a word from our sponsor…

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#1 - “What’s in the box?”

There is no happy ending to this Seven quote, but people tend to enjoy surprises.

That’s what Katelyn Borugoin leveraged with her latest product launch (which generated $78k in sales) 👇

She incentivized the first 100 purchases with a "Surprise Gift."

That's it. No extra details or anything else. Nada.

It worked though, and Katelyn, who's a Customer Psychology expert, explains why:

  • Creates immediate urgency

  • Research shows uncertainty is more powerful and driving motivation than certainty

It's pretty simple and easy to add if you launch a digital product soon!

🕵️‍♂️ Stolen from Katelyn’s Wallet Opening Words

🕵️‍♂️ How to Steal it?

Add a mystery reward and limit the # of people who can access it.

Make that very clear on your product landing page, too.

As per the reward, ideally, it's something simple that complements your main product, like a template, a cheat sheet, or extra material.


#2 - Good content repurposing

Shaan Puri gave us the perfect example of good content repurposing:

  • He sees a tweet

  • Shares it in his newsletter with a story

  • Records the story on video and shares it on X👇

One idea, two pieces of content.

The social media post alone has 100k impressions.

Shaan could have just copied the newsletter text and pasted it onto X. Instead, he recorded himself telling that story on video.


Because video is the current X meta. It gets more attention than just text. And here’s why what Shaan did is so smart:

He adapts the content to the platform instead of just copy-pasting.

That’s good content repurposing.

🕵️‍♂️ Stolen from Jordan Mix from the Do Within newsletter who spotted it first

🕵️‍♂️ How to Steal it?

First, always strive to repurpose your content, especially if you create long-form (like a newsletter) first.

Second, don't settle on just copy-pasting the content. Try to understand the format that works on your repurposing platform of choice and do that.

Your content impact will be way higher.

For example, one of my newsletter tactics like this one can become:

- A LinkedIn carousel

- A loom-style video with a tactic breakdown for X and YouTube

- A 60-second TikTok video of me reading the tactic out loud

All formats that WORK right now are on those platforms.

Don't copy-paste the content. Adapt it to the platform.


#3 - The rise of the “Raw content” style

There’s a massive trend towards over-optimized content right now. Even more, since AI content creation has become better.

Beautiful visuals, perfect writing, over-the-top editing…

That quickly becomes saturated, though. They are everywhere, so it’s nothing new.

But whenever there’s one of these trend movements, there’s always a reaction to it.

And sometimes, getting on that reaction wave instead can be more lucrative because it’s less saturated.

If we talk about content creation, this reaction translates into raw/authentic content.

Content that feels more “from the hip” and that doesn’t look over-engineered. Some examples:

I’m digging this vibe and plan to remodel my content strategy afterward. If you feel the same, the moment to jump on it is now before it becomes the new trend.

The Vault

👉️ beehiiv is offering 20% off the first three months. This is the newsletter platform I use to send The Steal Club!

🕵️‍♂️ How Failory got 97,540 users/mo with Programmatic SEO (fully automated)

🕵️‍♂️ How to teach. One of the best videos I’ve ever seen about the subject

🕵️‍♂️ Four ways to write a CTA with real examples

👉 Help demystify podcast marketing. Complete the Podcast Marketing Trends 2024 survey to share your podcast marketing process, frustrations, wins & failures. Plus, you’ll be automatically entered to win one of 10+ growth-oriented prizes to help you market smarter & grow faster.

Links with 👉️ are either ads or affiliate links. I only promote things I fully endorse.

Thanks for reading!

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See you next week with more thefts,

Alex Llull

Chief Thief

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